Bowtrol Internal Colon Cleansing

Bowtrol Internal Colon Cleansing

Cleansing, also called detoxification, is our body's normal process of elimination, a function that occurs daily through our colon, liver, kidney, lungs, lymph and skin. The most obvious forms of elimination are sweat, urine, and bowel movements. Other organs also eliminate, though you do not actually see this process. Despite the fact that we eliminate continuously, our bodies are having difficulty keeping up with the demand because we are accumulating an unnatural amount of toxins daily. This toxic overload prevents our overworked organs and colon from finishing all their assigned tasks and as a result, the toxins collect within our system. The most common symptoms of toxic buildup include: stress, constipation or failure to have a regular daily bowel movement, feeling sluggish or low energy, lack of motivation, strong food cravings, high sugar consumption, caffeine dependency and less than optimal health.

Unfortunately, many of us do not drink enough pure water or eat quality organic foods (foods that are not factory-made or laden with chemicals). We may not exercise, sleep well or wake rested. It is obvious that an individual with these habits would incur a greater toxic load than someone who is practicing a healthier lifestyle. The sad truth is, however, that no one is safe. Even those with good eating and living habits are exposed to an excess of environmental toxins. This excess becomes embedded in our tissues, our organs overload and we may feel terrible from the buildup. Our bodies do the best they can with this stressful buildup by storing the extra toxins in our cells, fat and mucus to protect us from further or deeper damage. How each individual's body compensates for this toxic overload is unique and shows up as a wide variety of symptoms that undermine us in every way imaginable. It is clear this compensation affects our overall health and energy. These toxins make feel sluggish, tired, unmotivated, occasionally constipated, irritable and difficult to make important changes that we need to make in order to be well.

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